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How to Get Out of a Legally Binding Contract

  • Review your written agreement; is there a “termination” clause? This outlines steps to take.
  • If it’s impossible to perform your end of the deal for reasons outside of your control, you may be entitled to extend, or end, your contract. Ask an attorney to review.
  • Some states offer a period to rescind a contract, such as 3 days for the purchase of a car. Check the regs.
  • Still stuck? Negotiate. No one wants to be in business with a sour apple. Propose something reasonable and fair to make it easy for the other side to agree.

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Buffalo Business Lawyer Serving New York State
Andrea A. Willis, Esq. is an award-winning attorney that delivers top-notch service to her clients. She has a diverse background representing business clients from many sectors and sizes.

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